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  • AEK971G18ONLY
    Member since June 28, 2019

    Soldier name: AEK971G18ONLY

    Link to BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have you claimed your soldier: Yes

    Appeal: Hello, I am BF4 player since 2-3 years. I got hundreds of hours played in this game. Well, like 1-1,5 months ago I wanted to join a server, but I got banned for "Suspicious stats". I thought it's only for 1 server and I joined another, but got banned for "Suspicious stats" too. Later same day i visited BF4DB page and searched for my name and I saw that I got status "BANNED" "CHEAT 100%".  Like 2 months ago i found a server that helps players help each other, trading kills, doing assignments etc. I joined this server and traded kills, but I didn't paid attention to my HSKR and this is how i got banned. Down are battlereports where I got a lot of kills, headshots on this server.

    Ps: sorry for mistakes but my English isn't very good.

    Ps2: if i need to record a video, I say from the start that my laptop and internet aren't good.

    Ps3: sorry for first appeal i didnt seen that I was in "approved" really sorry!!

    Those battlereports are from time when I started playing on helping server.

  • AEK971G18ONLY
    Member since October 30, 2017
