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  • anotheropus
    Member since July 14, 2019

    Soldier Name: NVMeM2

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.



    I was in a game and somebody asked if another player was a Jap due to their name.

    I replied that Jap was a derogatory term and maybe even racist.

    Another player said Jew was racist and Jap wasn't.

    I replied that Jew is not racist Jap is and I was kicked and can never get back in the server now.

    - - - BTW

    Jew and Jewish are a people, culture, and religion.

    Jap is a shortened form of Japanese from World War Two and it is negative, derogatory and racist.

  • anotheropus
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You’re not banned by us. Take it up with the admin of the server that banned you.