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  • NOt
    Member since June 06, 2019

    are you fucking serious, did you not read a fucking single word i have said, why would i leave the server then join the same server again then leave it again, wow that is  realy logical look at my fucking stats i play only in metro the only fucking reason i will join an other map is to join a fucking friends or to do an assignement

    go and check my second account too only fucking metro and if you are going to ask me why this much using the F word put your self in my situation this stupid situation

    take the ban off i did nothing wrong idid not cheat i did not break the servers rules

    and if joining the same server twice and leaving it twice again pleas explain it to me why i did not stay and finished the round.

    why would i go back to it if i am going to leave it again,why?

    answer me on this pleas so i can understand how you did find the idea of joining and leaving the same server twice if you dont have a fucking convincing answer then you can take the fucking ban off

    and if you are going to ask your self why i am saying the f word too much that because you pissed me off and not just only me but many

  • NOt
    Member since October 30, 2017

    First of all, we are not going to lift someone's ban simply because he says he is clean. If that was the case we would probably have to unban everyone if they say they are not cheating. In your case, "I play only in metro. The only reason i will join an other map is to join friends or to do an assignment" is definitely not enough for us to lift your ban because you WON'T join servers running other maps by yourself doesn't mean you CANNOT do that.

    Secondly, yes, joining a server with another account and quitting again sounds stupid and illogical to you, but you cannot deny that this is a possible explanation. It's not technically impossible to perform that trick or something like that. What if somebody is playing on a low-rank account with no unlocks and then he wants to use his main account with all the unlocks to play in the same server which happens to be running his favorite maps? If it's possible, no matter how stupid and illogical it sounds TO YOU, we will still take that into accommodation. 

    Lastly, you yourself mentioned in the former appeal that you know that battlereport showing both of the accounts in the same server is not enough because none of them finished the round. So why are you mad when we said the battlereport is not enough to lift your ban, which is a statement basically the same as your acknowledgement? 

    Account A and B are linked. Account B is used for cheating. There's no objective factor showing account A and B are owned by 2 individuals. Therefore the ban is definitely going to stay.

    Making a fifth appeal would get your forum access permanently terminated.