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  • nettelrede
    Member since March 31, 2019

    Soldier Name: nettelrede
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yep
    Appeal:  after +-9 monts i wanna play bf4 and i see ban from behind suspecion stats lol. yes 1 ago i play so hard and farm stats but without any cheats (dat stupid idea, cuz not interesting). Now i player like a semi-player, but i was some time ago really machine. sorry if it was suspecion.

    sorry for my english. i don't speak it

  • nettelrede
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You will need to find an explanation for these stats.


  • nettelrede
    Member since March 31, 2019

    oke, no problem 
    for first i wanna say:  bf4 dont have recoil haha (i can say this cuz im played in csgo 2.5k hours)

    for second: i wrote what i farm stats. y all know map "operation locker" and if u play (dont rush like a meat :) ) with brain and know any position where enemy just run u can easy-easy farm hs = 3-4 hs and die, 1-2 hs and run and wait. Dat so bored, but farm is well. On assault rifles and other gun dat was easy and funny, but on fking personal defense weapons and pistols was super-hard, y try to kill max 1-2 people in hs and die (i make any weeks dat shit)

    now i play not for stats cuz i fk dat (no time and nerves). just play for fun

    sorry if it looked suspicious i think dat was cool)

  • nettelrede
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Find battle reports that can explain such odd statistics.

  • nettelrede
    Member since March 31, 2019

    i wanna show u but i see dat:

    i dno what is it :/ . all question to ea

    last game which i can saw that games when im return:

  • nettelrede
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I can't find any evidence that would point to stat padding.

    Appeal Denied.