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  • unknwntf
    Member since March 14, 2019

    Soldier Name:  UnknwnTF
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes


    I watched the video of me where I am supposedly 'hacking.' This video is almost 2 years ago and I can't remember much of it. I watched the video closely and tried to see what I can make out of it. 

    I have to admit it looks pretty shady. Also the HSKR rate is pretty high but I remember the AWS being a pretty good weapon. But it doesn't look like I was cheating?

    I don't have any proof that can counter this video because I didn't even know I was banned til now. And I never really recorded BF4 clips anyway. 

    It has been 2 years now and I don't have any other reports on BF1 or BFV.

    I haven't been banned on PunkBuster or Fairfight either.

    Yours faithfully,


  • unknwntf
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Yeah, the video is pretty clear.

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