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  • Angry_banana
    Member since February 18, 2019

    Soldier Name: AnGrYBaNaNa_TN Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile: Have You Claimed Your Soldier: yes Appeal: it says that the reason for my ban is for linked account ( ) but the account that i got linked to i don't have any connection with it and i got falsly accused for being linked to it (the link for his ban and here's his pbban link ( ) and just to know i didn't play bf4 for 8 months and i was surprised with this ban out from no where and i have a clean record on pbbans i ve only played on this account and this computer but it could be a misunderstanding because my brother did have a linked account that he had used some cheats on it a really long time ago and he got banned on it other than this i really don't have any idea why i got this ban.I never used cheats nor ill ever think of using it in the future,so could you please fix this i have dedicated a lot of hours in this series and would like to be able to play again.

    kind regards.
  • Angry_banana
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Link is valid

    Appeal Denied