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  • No Longer Used
    Member since November 19, 2018

    BF4DB Profile :

    Ban Reason: "DMG Mod" Evidence:

    Appeal: I do not believe I was wrongfully banned, I do know what happened, and how to explain it, I am prepared to be 100% honest.  I got banned for a damage mod that I used in the campaign (Becuase I can't play games like a mature adult) and forgot that I had on until It was too late. I noticed that I was doing better than normal and assumed that maybe it was just a day where bad players were on. Little to my knowledge did I remember that I had still had the cheats active. If I were purposefully cheating I would have a much higher average KD per game as shown by your own logs of previous games I've played.  Again yes I admit to using a form of cheats, however, the use of said cheats in an online match wasn't intentional. And won't happen again because I truly enjoy this game and really would like to be able to play again.  Again I used the mod in campaign solely and I will prove beyond the benefit of a doubt that I don't cheat habitually or online, It was an honest mistake.

    Side note, I will be able to provide anything needed to become unbanned, However, I don't blame anyone for denying my appeal, I hope that my honesty gets me somewhere.

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    Gold Supporter
    Member since June 16, 2017

    We don't give cheaters a second chance! 

    Appeal denied! 

  • No Longer Used
    Member since November 19, 2018

    So harsh to act. I do believe in honest mistakes. Tell me you haven't made one before.

  • No Longer Used
    Member since October 30, 2017

    I wonder why you turned on but FoRGoT To TurN oFF SinGLePLaYeR DMG mod for 3 days straight, since those DMG mod battlereports are scattered within 3 days. 1 mistake per day?

    Thanks for admitting having cheated by the way.

    Making another appeal would lead to your forum access being suspended permanently.