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  • ideekeyyy
    Member since August 08, 2018

    After looking into it apparently i was auto banned from damage mod. i was suprised because i have't been playing bf4 for some days now so my first concern as you could probaly guess was that my account had been hacked so i contacted ea support, and showed that my suspicion was true. someone had been logging into my account on july 28 which was a couple of days prior to the ban. Here is some screenshots from the conversation.

    i did read the segment saying that it is your fault if your account gets hacked, there were no such statement on your server in game as far as i can tell and probably alot of players dont check your forum before playing. I now have trust factor the damage has been done i cant go back in time but you can remove the damage that was inflicted on my account.

  • ideekeyyy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Your account is your responsibility and the server was not owned by us. It is up to the server owner to use our ban list or not. Since the account was used to cheat the ban will remain

    Appeal Denied