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  • Scavenger
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Starsiege Tribes! I think it was one of the first big 3D multiplayer games out there that supported up to 64 players. Official support has long been dropped, the original publisher does not even exist anymore. But there is still a small community keeping some servers up and running. And then think of the fact this game got released in 1998! Take that BF1, which is dropping in player counts after 2 years...

    I started to play it again for nostalgia's sake, but I have to say that it still feels as good as it did in the past. Gameplay wise it is quite close to Battlefield. It has vehicles, big maps, classes etc. I think that the Battlefield devs might even have picked up some inspiration from this game.

    You can find more about this game here:

    And if you have gotten curious about this little piece of gaming history, you can download it from here:

  • Scavenger
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Bumping a 6yo thread cuz nostalgia hit me.