Dear Admin,
I am Admin of FHC server ( a bf4db plugin user and applied it to 3 of my servers) . This is my friend and I can prove his words are real. His english is bad so I write this apply for him. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
So you did not get those statistics yourself?
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
So you did not get those statistics yourself?
no, my friends cooperated with me, they stand still and let me kill
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
So you did not get those statistics yourself?
no, my friends cooperated with me, they stand still and let me kill
That is not what is apparent in those two reports. Who did you do it with?
This is server called Shuafen, we help each other or pay to buy vip, it cost me some money for a vip and then the admin will arrange some people to help me with unlocking, I don't know all of them but I can make sure that they related to this server
Can you help me lift the blockade?
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
So you did not get those statistics yourself?
no, my friends cooperated with me, they stand still and let me kill
That is not what is apparent in those two reports. Who did you do it with?
This is server called Shuafen, we help each other or pay to buy vip, it cost me some money for a vip and then the admin will arrange some people to help me with unlocking, I don't know all of them but I can make sure that they related to this server
Sorry, he is definitely cheating, sorry for my words, he used a 'software' to help him aim (aimbot), and he said this is for statpadding. I apologize for ganranteeing him before I invetigated his action carefully. This is a time waste for both you and me. I am going to ban this guy also in my bf1 and bf3 server. A DISHONEST GUY.
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
Can you help me lift the blockade?
These two do not look like statpadding. Care to elaborate?
My account was lent to my friends before.
So you did not get those statistics yourself?
no, my friends cooperated with me, they stand still and let me kill
That is not what is apparent in those two reports. Who did you do it with?
This is server called Shuafen, we help each other or pay to buy vip, it cost me some money for a vip and then the admin will arrange some people to help me with unlocking, I don't know all of them but I can make sure that they related to this server