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    Member since September 28, 2018

    My profile:

    Ban Reason:  This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

    Reason: ESP/Wallhack

    I have recently been banned for the use of a PS4 controller. To use said on PC I have use a configuration program called DS4Windows.exe to bind keyboard controls to the controller. This process does not have debugging meaning sensitivity and aim assist gets drastically affected. When plugged in the standard sensitivity goes to 40,000 DPI (the standard mouse maxes out at 16,000) and aim assist to go up to 20,000 (ps4 bf4 standard is around 20) I have been playing on and off with a controller for a month to make it as close as possible  to normal keyboard and mouse as to not have an advantage over others. But of all games what one gets me banned? My first one with a controller on PC to assess how much the sensitivity and aim assist needs to be adjusted. The high dpi and aim assist caused the sharp snap which I realize was unfair but I played the game to compare it to footage I had without a controller. Now that I have the values fixed I hope to never have my name appear here again and hope to make a fair fight for all players if possible. Please dont let a controller mishap stand between me and a game I love. Sure the community may be a little toxic but I would never hack a game that I enjoy as much as this. Please give me a chance to prove I have done nothing wrong and give me a chance to play with some friends. Don't punish people for a brief setup time because of someone mad at a controller user prevent me from countless hours of future fun.

    Even if you deny my case I thank you for considering this appeal and bid you adieu.


        Jacob De Moulin

    Member since June 05, 2017

    you are the second one today.



    see : 

    Member since May 08, 2017

    Footage is more then enough evidence. Combined with the stuff facecorndutch provided..