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  • patalinho
    Member since May 13, 2017

    Olá Nadeko Eu ainda estou sendo bloqueado de entrar no servidor, ele já estava limpo lá no BF4DB, mas eu ainda não consigo entrar, você poderia ver para mim o que aconteceu, my stats this clean.

  • patalinho
    Member since May 13, 2017

    Hello Nadeko I'm still being blocked from entering the server, it was already cleaned there in BF4DB, but I still can not log in, you could see for me what happened, my stats this clean.

    Sorry for the wrong post
  • patalinho
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Hmmm, my guess is that he's complaining about a ban on the previous BF4DB?  I don't know how to translate that to Brazilian Portuguese / Spanish, but that's my guess, and if it is correct, he's out of luck.  We have no control over servers using the old ban list -- it's unrelated to our administration.

  • patalinho
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I personally do not understand your issue we removed your ban and the plugin used to stream our banlist is not public yet!

    The only thing that I can imagine is that admins issued local bans based on the fact that you were banned by BF4DB. If this is the case you have to contact the clan/admin that banned you from a specific server.

    We, the BF4DB staff team can't help you any further!