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Joined BF4DB: Aug 17, 2017
Last Online: 7 years ago


banimento 6 years ago


Hello, I would like to understand why I am being banned from servers protected by this site / service, I play this game two years and the last months I am being banned, on the site shows as suspected reason to use cheat, I would like you to inform me with more details the reason that leads to this suspicion, because at any moment use this type of resource. my pc and personal use, I do not use any other program and my bass / k and it has always been like that, I play for fun with some friends every day, and lately I'm going through this embarrassment, you can analyze the history of my matches and note that most of the time I die a lot more often than I can shoot someone. negative k / d, I rarely get positive. checking the data that you made available as statistics points only in some matches higher index of hsk but this and due to private match, dispute with another opponent, that in the case and my son igorurano  https://bf4db.com/player/1556281053 in matches personal between us, apart from that I can not understand the reason for banishment, I'm waiting Marcelo Urano.

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