do not understand why I was banned, only on the Ribbon Hunt server have
other players helped to make new weapons and other unlocks, and some
(and me too) trade kills are pastimes.
Link to my Battlelog profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/soldier/OiiinkOiiink/stats/1003457682402/pc/
to Ribbon Hunt Server Battlelog: http:
-Assignments-only /
do not cheat because I enjoy the game and I also like to help newer
players to unlock better weapons and essays or to complete other
Also my Clanmember can all confirm that I do not use tools or cheats.
I ask for relief that I can play again on all servers.
Sorry for the modest English but since I do not speak so well I had to use the Google translator.
Greetings from Germany
OiiinkOiiink from the clan 2ez