My Name is Hakam
I have received a ban because of cheating, and I regret it, and it is recognized. Please. If you can remove the ban from my account, I promise that I will not return it again.
Please help My account on BF4 is 7AkaMkilleR
My Name is Hakam
I have received a ban because of cheating, and I regret it, and it is recognized. Please. If you can remove the ban from my account, I promise that I will not return it again.
Please help My account on BF4 is 7AkaMkilleR
My Name is Hakam
I have received a ban because of cheating, and I regret it, and it is recognized. Please. If you can remove the ban from my account, I promise that I will not return it again.
Please help My account on BF4 is 7AkaMkilleR