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Joined BF4DB: Mar 22, 2020
Last Online: 3 years ago


BAN APPEALS - ZeYngLi 3 years ago

Soldier Name: ZeYngLi

Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile: https://bf4db.com/player/1882169579

Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes


Hello, I was at my house and decided to play BF4, I managed to play an entire game without problems, with a high KD as usual. I am suddenly expelled from the server by an 'administrator' and I soon thought that I really was an administrator because it happened (on that server) before, being expelled by an administrator for killing him repeatedly or simply by will.

I tried to log in again and to my surprise the notification appears on the BF4DB game chat, ESP / Wallhack. I looked for my nickname on this site, as I already knew the platform and saw that it was banned, simply because they recorded two gameplays and it was simply concluded that I was using cheat / etc ,. They took parts of the video when I aimed at the wall, as if I was actually seeing 'something' beyond that. I practically only play on that server, for about 2 or 3 years, I know some administrators (LaaaZ, who appears in the first video used as proof and also the Lord-of-Claymore player that we have played many times together).

I have 2769 hours played, it doesn't make sense in the middle of 2020 to use some kind of cheat in an old game that I already know a lot, and modesty aside, I play well, at least above average.

- It happened before I was accused in the game, through the chat, I was already expected (sometimes by administrators) and simply did not draw conclusions. I have already given tips on using the letter 'Q' in game (clicking repeatedly, even if you are moving) to spot, as I have been accused that my game sighted and marked the opponent 'alone'.

- And about killing in the smoke, when the enemy is close, the life bar just appears on your screen, just shoot, no mystery. (smoke is not a wall).

On such 'evidence':

In the first few seconds of the video, why didn't I aim at the wall? since they concluded that I was wallhack, why would I still take explosion damage? (at 20 seconds) since 'I could see my opponent at all times'? If I had really seen it I would have anticipated the LVG M320 (weapon) as I would see the enemy using it. The location in the 41 seconds of the video, always appear opponents, and also in the background, who are lying down bipod lying down LMG, and who also appear on the minimap. (casual player doesn't look at minimap)

- At 1:22 and also 1:47 in the video, it shows me aiming at the wall, they concluded that I was seeing 'through' it. I had my sights on the wall waiting for an opponent to appear on the right side first, or left, so I would be able to aim quickly, and aiming downwards to see better, because the aim of the gun (ADS) sometimes hinders to see more accurately. Why would I play backward, defensive, if I had seen all the enemies?

- They also accuse the weapon of not having recoil, it is not possible that they think this game has 'recoil' compared to other FPS games (PUBG for example). I don't know how difficult it is for some to pull the mouse down when shooting (to control such a recoil, slight recoil, almost nonexistent.)

- It says that I know where the enemy will appear, of course, if you have been sighted (spot) you will appear on the minimap, or if you shoot without a silencer, it is basic.

- At 2:19 why did I only shoot after the opponent went through the door? Why didn't I anticipate that he would appear there, and aim and kill before?

- At 2:29 one of the administrators (-Laaaaaz) appears in the chat playing the same game, they don't have the tradition of allowing cheaters. Why would I be playing if I was suspicious or were sure I use cheating? server is running for years.

- At 2:44 why did my gun go up? Since there is no indentation?if my gun has no recoil? (I saw the enemy through the minimap...)

- At 3:05 because I took damage and didn't shoot, since I see through the smoke and the wall? why did i take damage from the smoke? why did some of my team die in the smoke? does the opponent also see through the smoke? or does this everyone achieve?

- At 3:40 why didn't I aim before, since I see everything?

- At 4:15 opponents together, again appear on the minimap.

- At 4:23 why don't I hit the shots? why didn't I predict he would show up there, and use pre-fire?

- At 4:45 enemies are always in the same place, forward and huddled.

- At 6:25 am always the same thing, always staying in the same spot (camping).

- At 7:08 and 7:35 why didn't I aim before?

- At 7:55 I shot randomly, enemies always in the same place, at 8:03 my team's playing does the same thing ...

- At 9:01 why didn't I kill anyone through the smoke?

- At 9:10 why didn't I predict, why didn't such a 'DMG God' work?

- At 9:30 players' scores, why am I not first overall, why are there players with KD better than mine, in both teams?

Second video:

I am first in scoring, administrator just below the ranking, 138/27 why did you play with me? instead of banishing?

I don't need cheat or cheating, I can play by myself without any help, this is just a limited player complaint / lament that the crying extends and goes far beyond a game.

Link that reported me: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1882169579

Videos:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgz6rZeZQr4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6pB0b1-AxU

 need so little to ban someone?

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