Soldier Name: KnightVonNimble
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
I have been banned for suspicious stats, I have read the thread and nothing seems too crazy in my stats but I have apparently gone from trash to godmode. I can only think that my stats improved when when I stopped playing with an Xbox pad and moved to using mouse and keyboard. I have mostly played BF3 and 4 on Xbox, this meant I was most comfortable with a pad until a string of poop games got me frustrated and a friend coerced me to move to mouse and keyboard. I was pretty trash with Mouse and keyboard while I got the hang of BFs pacing, as the only other FPS I tend to pay on PC is Escape from Tarkov which is a much slower game. I knew it had improved my game, not to this extent though.
Von Nimble.