Don't bully Frank_Castle, he is a lonely man, and has feelings too.

Its true that he bullies kids, and a big shame for an old man his age to actually do so, but take into consideration he is a bit of a retarded individual.

To stay an admin on BF4DB especially as a volunteer you really have to be a no lifer, and these guys are doing there best to fill their time and wasting their life moderating a dead game, so for sure many of the have multiple issues, and maybe are not welcome in today's society.

Unfortunately today we meet many people like these admins, who their only hobby is sitting all day behind a monitor and try to gain attention from others by trying to feel 'Privileged', so one must respect their state of mind which is totally delusional and always 'in the clouds'  thinking they are someone to be someone, self promoted better than others.

Keep in mind these admins are most probably on medication, so I can blame them acting the way they act, as abnormal human beings, unfortunately the world is full of psychological sicknesses do to loneliness and sadness.