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Joined BF4DB: Aug 5, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


APPEAL 4 years ago

Soldier Name: Maxfox38
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal: Good afternoon, I hope this appeal finds you well.

It's been a little over a year since this ban was given to me, I never reached out to you guys because I simply didn't know this could possibly help, but since you are actual people instead of the robots over at even balance, I figured I would have a better chance of getting this fixed. After playing a little bit of campaign for the first time, I decided to go back to multiplayer. Upon joining a server, I was issued a banned, it took a few days for me to figure out why because there was no message from an admin or anyone on why they banned me. I then figured out PunkBuster detected a "multihack" and banned me instantly, I genuinely had no clue what that was and why it was issued to me, so I decided to do my research. Now just to clear things up, I had no such "multihack" or any hack for that matter installed on my computer. From my research multihack contains exactly what it's name is, things like flying, aimbot, or walls. With the people in this community, there is simply no way I would go without getting any reports from admins watching the servers, or other people in game with me. I believe this is just simply an incorrect ban especially since it wasn't issued by a human admin. My only suspicion is this:

As previously mentioned, I was playing campaign before multiplayer, during that campaign play through on the 3rd mission I believe (whichever one is in Shanghai), the game literally broke, none of the NPCs were moving, and I was just walking around. I walked up to enemy NPCs and they did nothing, I even entered the building and still nothing, I eventually went to one of the elevators and fell beneath the map, this is why I just decided to go back to multiplayer. Once I returned to multiplayer I was kicked immediately by PunkBuster without explanation. I've tried everything from Reinstalling PunkBuster, to reinstalling the entire game, and still no fix. I'll provide my stats via battlelog, and you will see nothing suspicious there about my stats at all. I really miss this game, and I hope there is something you guys can do to help me out, if not I understand, I'm just glad I am able to talk to an actual person about this. Stay safe if the Covid-19 is still a big issue where you are at!

Best Regards!


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