Yes sir/mam, For those three games, I was playing in a tight quarters map (Operation Locker) and during those matches I would camp specific areas of control points and wait for enemies to come around the corner or through the door then pop them in the head, and repeat that process for every match since it was 24/7 Operation Locker. Like stated above, I know the stats in those reports look suspicious, but look, its a small playing space and 20+ enemies are gonna be in one point or going to a certain point at the same time, its not uncommon for someone who is waiting in the right spot to get a bunch of kills because they were waiting for the right time. And, if I may add, there were other people in the server who got at least 90 kills and i maybe passed 50+ or 60 top. I know that your thinking that Im lying, but believe me, I promise you that I am telling the truth and that I am not cheating, regardless of what the stats say on those battle reports. If you think that this appeal is unworthy and not conclusive enough to be appealed, then I appreciate the time, dedication and effort that you took into helping me sort this appeal out.
And another point that I did not mention in my reply above, If i was using any sort of aimbot, wouldn't my accuracy be higher than 19% or 24%. If it was above 70 or 80% then I would understand the suspicion but right now im confused as to why people think im cheating when Im just playing a FPS game like I have been for many years now. And another thing, if I really was using aimbot, then technically speaking all of my kills on those 3 battle reports should have been headshots, for instance, on one of those report, I had 40 headshots, however, I had 68 kills in total. If aimbot was used, all 68 of those kills would have been headshots, but they werent. Im not trying to be difficult, im just trying to backup my case as to why im not using any third party systems to cheat
Yes but no, aimbot on BF can miss headshot plenty of time for a lot of reasons including server lag, client lag, biggest reason probably being bullet physics, speed and drop that aimbot can miscalculate. Moreover aimbot can be set to result in a given headshot per kill ratio, that means purposely miss the head at a certain frequency. So that's for your HSPK ratio.
When it comes to accuracy, it's fairly rare that aimbot users have accuracy higher than other players, could be 10 to 15% higher but nothing much more. Why? When you kill someone you still fire a few bullet after the death, that alone make your accuracy drop, for previous stated reasons aimbot can miss, or it can lock a player through a thin wall or many other little things like that.
Those headshot per kill ratio are not something a player can achieve under normal conditions and even if you managed to do it, there's no way you reach that 5 rounds in a row :