Soldier Name: GodlyDuke
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.)
I would like to appeal my account as I feel like i was falsely banned. This started over a year ago, I played BF4 in and out for a long time, only racking up 80 hours since the game came out. I only really ever used snipers. One day I logged in and couldn't join any servers. Not too sure why because when looking at my BF4 stats I have a K/D of just over 50% which is not very difficult, my headshot accuracy is a little better than most due to 1 tricking sniper rifles and having 4000 hours in CS I have trained aim to a certain extent. I don't really understand how I can link any evidence or game proof as this started over a year ago but yeah. I would appreciate a ban lift/