BF4DB Profile:
I've played bf4 on and off for att couple of years. During the last year I had a break from the game. When I, a couple of weeks ago wanted to pick it up again, I couldn't log into my origin account. Someone had taken my origin account and changed email etc. I sorted this out with EA, proved that I was the owner and got my account back. When I saw my battlelog page everything was changed. The name of the soldier was changed to this John Wick-something, the level had increased from 105 something to 127, my friends had been replaced and someone had played alot of matches. I saw that people had written massages to this dude accusing him of cheating and so on. I have no idea what this player has done or if he cheated or not, but I wasn't playing on my account at this time.
Here is a cutout from an email where I try to show when I got my account back. The date is Jan 30 2018.
I can't answer if this person was cheating or something during the time my account was hacked. I hope you can understand that an account can be hacked, and let my account be clean once again.
Thank you.