i saw that my account has been banned for 'linking to https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/TTV_NerdyFlerdy/stats/1264926991/pc/' This account was used a while back and was since then never touched, i bought BF4 5 Months ago and never have i ever used a 'illegal program' To have advantage or something, i know by my self that i'm a decent player and i have the knowledge of a decent player. Im suprised that my account is 'linked' with that other one who i never touched has been banned. There is no evidence that im hacking or using a illegal program nor glitching and i never used it. https://bf4db.com/player/1005242383963 And im just curious is it because im using only 1 weapon or? because i wanted 'before my account got banned' and still reach the 100K kills with that specific gun.
Greets Navo