After being approved, why am I banned again?
Hey all! I recently flew back to the states from Israel. I realized my twin brother who also happens to play BF4 got banned for cheat, I usually play in Israel but since im here for a few months tough id play aswell but I'm worried if my account gets banned now... Same ip
I had exams going on and work at the same time. I hardly played like 2 days a week about a game that started from maybe may or July not so sure, but I'm pretty sure I didn't this month or last month (may 3-4 games just to forget about all the tension coming from the exams) just till recently when I came here.
claimed"Please claim your battlelog soldier before we can process your appeal.
just please, im here for 2 months moniter me, ill be back to my country then ill be safe cause different ip.
i came on a vocation and finally good internet but everything is just so unfortunate.
Omg... What link? And I never played with him.... he recently started and got banned. I'm an old player... and you can check my ip, mostly from Israel.."
"So... are you banned?
Now, yes. Will verify the link. In the meantime you may look for the battlereports Cuban asked for.
yeah i never knew he played bf... I recently found out and also found out he used cheats...
Hey all! I recently flew back to the states from Israel. I realized my twin brother who also happens to play BF4 got banned for cheat, I usually play in Israel but since im here for a few months tough id play aswell but I'm worried if my account gets banned now... Same ip