    Member since 2 years ago
    Reasons for reporting IWannaDieeeee

    ESP/Wallhack, FairFight

    Report #1 Report #2 Report #3 Report #4
    Additional Information


    This is the game he found out I was reporting him and talking to admin via chat. Notice how his score goes more towards everyone else's. Not to mention him not running around as much and taking short bursts of AFK.

    He has an extremely low win rate, bc during the game, he will swap teams. He does this to elongate the game and to farm more kills/points instead of the game ending. He always swaps to the LOSING team before game ends. Hence his 17% win rate...he's trying to dodge yall.

    Also, check his FairFight...regardless if ppl think it's worthless or not. Check his BF3 scores...obvious is obvious man...70 kill streaks? 1500m hs? What was it, like 20% HS with 40mm? Come-on, obvious is obvious.

  • BadPylot
    Member since 3 years ago

    Hey. I'm the admin you were talking to, and I'd like to go more in-depth into why, with the given evidence, I don't believe the player is cheating.

    1. When I actually spectated the player, I saw no evidence of wallhacks. Though you didn't mention walls in this report, you did in chat, and I just want to set that straight. This player looks to be an alt of another account with much more gametime, so the feeling that they always know where you are is likely just a byproduct of their familiarity with the flow of the map.

    2. When I spectated the player, their aim both looked normal, and they didn't deteriorate in performance. Cheaters almost always have a hack that lets them see when they're being spectated, so his consistent performance was not indicative of cheats. Along with this, the player also had extensive experience with BF4 movement tactics, so he was likely to have been playing for some time, on that account or others.

    3. BF4DB does not generally ban for all-time stats. It's rare that 24/7 Fairplay ever has much insight, given that its data is stretched over time. Good stats != cheating. A far better method to check players is to check similar stats on individual rounds usingĀ BF4 Cheat Report. What does looking at BF4CR tell me? This player clearly doesn't leave the house, with consistently high round stats, but there are no sudden spikes in stats, or telltale signs of multihack.

    4. Win rate is not how BF4DB looks for cheaters. The methods BF4DB has in place to alert staff to cheaters is complicated, but it does not involve winrate. This player just wants to stretch out their farming sessions as long as possible.

    From the evidence on hand, it looks like this player is just a prime example of a turbosweat. I don't blame your apprehension, because these players are hard to distinguish from cheaters. In fact, I appreciate you actually reporting him and not just scampering off. None of this would fit in game chat, so I couldn't give you the explanation I wanted. With all of this said, none of this actually proves that the player isn't cheating! If someone happened to acquire video or statistical evidence proving this player was hacking, I wouldn't doubt it for a second. I just wanted to set the record straight, because I believe it's important to be transparent, and create an informed community.

    Sorry for the wall of text.

  • Maliwanboje
    Member since 4 years ago

    This is just alt for servers where i banned for admin insult. Winrate is so low cuz of stats reset to play on kd limited servers. Maybe for someone my gameplay looks sus, but whats the point to report me even without video? I dont have 90% hs or smth

  • SUP3RM4N
    Member since 2 years ago

    No. I just spectated 2 other players RIGHT NOW while your online. It's clear your allowing cheaters on your server bc they your buds. It's ok. I literally watched Eval and other guy shooting through the wall (the thin metal rail walls at B) and killing 3 or 4 ppl at once, with 1 magazine. THROUGH it. But again, I'm sure I'll get another lazy ass admin response of "nO hAcKeRs HeRe", just sweaty fucks right. Literally why new BF game is losing money bc ppl wont preorder. Waste of fucking space, you as the admin, and clearly here as BF4DB admin, are fucking worthless and worse than the cheaters themselves. Easiest uninstall I have done.

    And that piece of shit who has to use another account to report ppl. What a fagat. You are clearly a cheater. Got to use ANOTHER account to report other people on while your other accounts cheats. What a hypocrite and a bitch ass. You sound gay as fuck with your friends too on Youtube. Wish could meet you in real life. Bet you a bitch ass kid, prolly call your mom, Karen, who will call the cops because her poor son is being bullied...hate fuckers like yall. Ruin it for everyone and we can't even enjoy a game.

    Ban me, no fucks given. Taught me why I left BF community long time ago. Get Covid and die please.

  • Torsten-AUR-
    Gold Supporter
    Member since 6 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: Insufficient Proof Provided

    This thread is now closed

    CooMerrona Battlelog Ban Policy
  • Thug
    Member since 3 years ago


    This thread has been re-opened by BF4DB

    Reason: Further Review Needed

  • Thug
    Member since 3 years ago
  • Thug
    Member since 3 years ago


    This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

    Reason: Linked Account

    This thread is now closed

    lemmethink Battlelog Ban Policy