• DjGrouch
    Member since 3 years ago
    Reasons for reporting ShadyNDz

    Linked Account

    Report #1
    Additional Information


  • ShadyNDz
    Member since 1 year ago

    Hey, can I ask why I'm being investigated?  I see the hardcore game I played, but I'm unsure what's there to show I did anything.  I see it says linked account as well.  I have another account on Xbox One, but I haven't played that in years.   I'll link the battle log profile and also claim the soldier on my BF4DB account if that helps my case. https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/Shady%20ND/stats/184261245/xboxone/

  • ShadyNDz
    Member since 1 year ago

    Welp, I can't claim the solider, I guess, cause it was Xbox one.

  • KarekCat
    Member since 4 years ago


    This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

    Reason: Linked Account

    This thread is now closed

    ShadyNDz Battlelog Ban Policy