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Score: 104,041,912

Kills: 225,561

Time: 4,673h

KDR 2.21

Skill 303

SPM 807

KPM 1.85

Cheat 0%


Idols : RRelaa
and JJikA

Twitch :
sometimes i stream

with terrible music .... just btw

MoneyCube : '' I'm honestly not sure what just happened''

Accuracy-Records (Old) :
AEK-971 : ~25,5 %
ACE 23 : ~26,2 %
FAMAS : 23,58 %
AN-94 : 26,62 %

YouTube channel :

"Everyone know how every fragmovie is a lie, since no players include fails in their montage. When people suck, they don't make videos about it ; this fragmovie is no different. Just because someone is killed a lot in my clips doesn't mean I am better than he is. So please, if you like the clips, remember they don't mean so much about my (or anybody's) real efficiency in matchs." - Relaa

Stay High, Just Rush. Kill All, Never Die. One Shot, Doublekill. All Luck NEVER SKILL !

Weapon Stats

Latest Reports

Previous Names

  • gleT_GGentleman 6 years ago
  • 7th_GGentleman 6 years ago
  • HaXe_GGentleman 6 years ago
  • Yuuki_GGentleman 6 years ago

Player History

[Ugae] Platoon