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Score: 131,848,362

Kills: 289,433

Time: 2,108h

KDR 2.52

Skill 455

SPM 1098

KPM 2.00

Cheat 0%


Configuracion pc:

Procesador --> I7-3930k
Tarjeta Grafica GTX 1080TI
Memoria Ram --> Kingston HyperX Fury Blue DDR3 16GB
Systema operativo --> Windows 8.1
Raton --> Gigabyte Aivia Krypton Gaming Mouse 8200 DPI
Teclado -->Gigabyte Aivia K8100 V2
Ozone Rage 7HX 7.1 Gaming Headset USB Negro - Auricular Headset
Pantalla: ASUS 24 144hz

Major Ladder 5on5 Domination Europe (2013) 4º posiciòn
Major Ladder 5on5 Domination Europe (2014) 1º posición
BF4 5on5 Squad Obliteration Cup #3 Europe (2016) 3 posicion
BF4 5on5 Squad Obliteration Cup #5 Europe(2016) 2 posicion
#1 Tonicgame BF4 8on8 Rush CUP1

#1 Tonicgame BF4 5on5 Sq Obliteration Cup #1

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  • YARIKRUSO 6 years ago

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[BORZ] Platoon