

Score: 41,642,444

Kills: 39,612

Time: 2,052h

KDR 0.5

Skill 209

SPM 338

KPM 0.32

Cheat 0%


Code Name: Fandor Fuckface
Real Name: Unimportant. (Probably still 'Fuckface')
Height: Taller than the average dwarf
Weight: How much does beer weigh?
Scars/Markings: Melted Donair Face and 2 Tattoos.
Objective: To go to war to get the money to fix that Fuckface....

His face was disfigured in a horrible donair sauce incident and he couldn't get any more lubbins from the ladies so he wears a mask and goggles to hide his hideous disfigurement. But don't dismiss this soldier! His flatulence alone is enough to kill...

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Previous Names

  • Bilo_the_Raapist 5 years ago
  • Sir_B00ZE_Alot 5 years ago
  • Fandor_Fahk_Face 6 years ago
  • Fandor_Fahk_Face 3 years ago

Player History

[FFF] Platoon