

Score: 72,623,481

Kills: 86,132

Time: 1,602h

KDR 3.32

Skill 418

SPM 834

KPM 1.16

Cheat 0%


Welcome back to BF3

Road to Colonel Service Star 100 [BF3] Rank 56/145

I don't play flood zone!

Medic deines Vertrauens

High-Skilled C4-Dirybike-Driver
Longest flight: 2234 m

Noob-Tryhard-Jetpilot [Special thanks to Cobra and Prud for spending a lot of time to try to teach my some dogfight basics - Mission failed]

Some other noobs:
DerBecher - Die BF3 Legende
iDF-Prudhoe_tAf - Austria2Stronk; #Schofsäck; #StopDoingMagicManeuver

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  • Laser_dE 6 years ago

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[hero] Platoon