Score: 8,763,285

Kills: 7,866

Time: 123h

KDR 1.54

Skill 313

SPM 1188

KPM 1.07

Cheat 0%


i am veteran bf4 player !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Team Are:UGR (Best team ever )
O.Y.K ( Also op team )
SB ( Best teamwork with me i like them and thats why i join with them)
SOPS (my new team and i think my best)

best greek player ever test me kid """+$$$+'''''''

My favorite guns are (MPX) (ACW-R) (AEK-971) (MTAR-21)

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Previous Names

  • AEKARA-2001 2 years ago

Player History

[GR] Platoon