

Score: 22,754,487

Kills: 31,076

Time: 621h

KDR 1.61

Skill 175

SPM 610

KPM 0.83

Cheat 0%


Hello Friend(s),

Persevere through the lowest moments of your prosperity be prosperous in the eyes deception, and rain with smiles for; good rewards are surely abroad.

My Bow is me and, I am my Bow, do not let me fully draw first or arrows may become a subtle ticket of pain wept death.

All great and just things bestowed upon the "Bow of Truth". May its very tip of the arrow's head be its best judgment in "Justice Eyes". Be strong my bow, deliver these warmongers from their wretched misconceived thoughts of the meaning of weak. Be great and stand firm, that all may know your glorious moments of the swift side of Justice. May your arrows be the guiding light of the pinnacle of TRUTH.

~PerceptiveTruth aka Dipt-N-Truth

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  • Dipt-N-Truth 6 years ago
  • PerceptiveTruth 6 years ago

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[BoW1] Platoon