
This is a snapshot of ribasgabe's profile statistics from 5 years ago, click here to go to a non cached version!



Score: 3,800,505

Kills: 6,542

Time: 183h

KDR 1.14

Skill 459

SPM 347

KPM 0.60

Cheat 100%

Weapon Stats

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Previous Names

  • belgvr 6 years ago
  • BemLoko86 6 years ago
  • BONOROS 5 years ago
  • CoronelUstra 5 years ago
  • ConvarSET 5 years ago
  • PiolhentoChato 5 years ago
  • BelBolacha 5 years ago
  • XoraPramim 5 years ago
  • ribasgabe 3 years ago

Player History

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