

Score: 23,525,834

Kills: 32,517

Time: 551h

KDR 1.67

Skill 219

SPM 710

KPM 0.98

Cheat 0%


Stealth is my way. You're always an target for me, DICE member as normal players to Pubstars and Pros, you're always a target for me.

Dice Hunter.
LTwin x1
ComfyPaws x1
lococableguy67 x1
T0TAL fps x1

The Knife maniac in MADMEN.

Famous Pubstars i played with: FrankieonPCin1080P, JackFrags, Mantis 701, Anderzel Chaboy and Azzy, Intheworks, DOOM49 and MattTheMusketeer.

Tagged pubstars: Chaboy, Azzy, DOOM49, Anderzel and Mantis 701

I'm gonna write a special thing here, Person of the account of Aimbutt_Inbound, how does the Knife taste? Was it feeling good being knifed by a legit Knifer in front of a Streamer like Matimi0. You failed. You got butthurt and you failed, because i outplayed you, even with all your hacks. This is a warning for ever hacker that dares attack a streamer when i'm in the server, i will hunt you, i will kill you and i will humiliate you.

The Ghost.

For people that doubt me, my Youtube is ManUtdBoy13.

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  • GhostNani 7 years ago

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[SWE] Platoon