

Score: 27,619,393

Kills: 41,192

Time: 863h

KDR 0.98

Skill 353

SPM 533

KPM 0.80

Cheat 0%


Herein is typed the text relating to the content used in the presentation by the above player, as viewed, and read, by all who care to read it. Said text is essentially useless, as it serves no purpose other than to state the obvious, that being the fact that it is, in fact, text.

It's true, I checked.

Also, I'm sharing this account with a friend, so if I am not talkative at all, or am typing in greek or something, it's most likely because my friend is using the account. In general I tend to use the chat in game. It makes things so much more interesting, you know?

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  • kwtsosper 6 years ago

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