

Score: 29,720,137

Kills: 30,040

Time: 709h

KDR 2.18

Skill 337

SPM 717

KPM 0.76

Cheat 100%


One time I got killed by a defib, it was by far the most shocking thing I've seen on the battlefield.

IGN " He's a douchebag extraordinaire. "
GameCritic " What an asshole, he lacks the finesse to T-bag me. "
MetaCritic " He's so retarded he has to make up quotes. "
Jim Sterling " I like the guy"

Sacha the masterrace pc consists of:
GTX 970
GTX 970
i5 3.50Ghz
16gb Ram
Rog 2560 x 1440 144hz
Corsair K70 Cherry mx red
Razer Ouroboros
and hacks, lots and lots of hacks

If I upset you by my skills then please refer to my official complaint center:
http://bit.ly/1nKCEyC or http://bit.ly/1twiGoQ or http://bit.ly/1MsY8aY

To get your own hacks visit this page: http://bit.ly/2q6Zz9W

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  • EF_TheFumbler 7 years ago

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[EF] Platoon