

Score: 25,898,553

Kills: 30,641

Time: 924h

KDR 1.15

Skill 160

SPM 467

KPM 0.55

Cheat 0%


It doesn't matter where you die: Here or There?
I am tired of life on earth, and I would be glad to see the world fall with me.
Blow the wind, death I'm yours
I will meet you in battle today
I'm like a bear chained to a post.
Don't run away
From all sides,
I am surrounded by enemies.
Only he can take a life.
And can I, like a Roman fool, fall on my own sword?
No, not yet
I'd rather take others to their graves...

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  • RussianVodka174 6 years ago
  • RussianVoOdka174 4 years ago
  • Dead_Hand_Russia 3 years ago
  • MusicianWagner74 6 months ago

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