

Score: 3,133,648

Kills: 2,021

Time: 80h

KDR 0.97

Skill 200

SPM 649

KPM 0.42

Cheat 0%


CSAS Urban Spec-Ops Commando.

Karkand Overwatch ~

Karkand overwatch was a minor operation consisting of 3 members of the CSAS; Archer, Ozone and Reaper and 3 members of the allied force TROM (The Rangers of Minnesota). A 2 man Sniper team (Reaper and Ozone) and an Heavy-MG Gunner (Archer) were deployed in the center of the small settlement of Karkand via LAV.

~ Upon entering the City Center, TROM was in a full scale conflict with the cities occupants, The CSAS occupied a small building nearby and began to provide covering fire for the infantry in the field. The operation took an unfortunate turn as 2 members of TROM were killed leaving their squad leader (Dozer) to capture the city center. 20 minutes of constant fire resulted in the city coming under U.S. control within the hour. A successful day.

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  • ZeScout 7 years ago

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[CSAS] Platoon