

Score: 47,679,767

Kills: 54,850

Time: 915h

KDR 1.32

Skill 224

SPM 818

KPM 1.01

Cheat 0%


Colonel Service Star 100 in 350 Hours
I never ever cheat in this Game
And Never Statspadded in Game or Flagrun

▬|█████████|▬ This is Nudelholz. Copy Nudelholz into your profile to make better Kuchens or other Teigprodukte! Oder Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person to give a better Gefühl than vorher !

Best Worldranked 11 with Famas then stoped playing Famas

First in the World (BF3) who collected all Dogtags! Including all Tournament Winner Dogtags and Enlisted Dogtag!! 24.05.2013
Last Dogtag from Piratepom

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  • 6Pack3eer 6 years ago

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