

Score: 45,409,462

Kills: 57,924

Time: 786h

KDR 1.55

Skill 420

SPM 962

KPM 1.23

Cheat 0%


"Your God can't help you within my walls -but rest assured, you shall be on your knees."
For the longest time the bears have hidden in secrecy, disguised as mere primal beasts. They watched over this world in hidden, awaiting the call of the Bear Lord. Now he has returned, and the bears will live in secret no longer.

Bear forever, Bear for life.
Let your mind be free...
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y302Z5HUHpo \\

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  • LordB3AR 6 years ago
  • xxMobiousxx 3 years ago
  • xMobious69 2 years ago

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[6969] Platoon