

Score: 43,916,364

Kills: 63,930

Time: 1,075h

KDR 1.13

Skill 301

SPM 681

KPM 0.99

Cheat 0%


I know ice when I see it!
Have been beaten by Chuck N.
Know strange stuff
Not very reliable
I wipe my ass with fate!


I think about alot of stuff! for example
>do fat vegetarians exist?
>Is there a treassure at the end of the rainbow, or is it just a trap created by the gays?
>And about the rainbow, was it a choice by the gays? or was it given to them? maybe F.Bruce knows?
>Did the gays invent the term: Sleep with one eye open? (this one is kind of a joke)

Well thats about it..

I used to be a hero, but that was a long time ago.. Some still consider me a hero, but I'm not! I even traded my H.Hanso sword for a shovel and some diesel.. pretty bad desicion!

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  • bJArvslinksky 6 years ago

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[bJAf] Platoon