
Score: 76,229,244

Kills: 124,359

Time: 3,346h

KDR 1.23

Skill 172

SPM 379

KPM 0.62

Cheat 0%


Hello. I am Mean Guy. I like to play video games, and smell cheese when it is available. I like the orange, extra-sharp cheese smell the most. It smells like unleavened bread with a musky tint to me.

I am thankful to not have forums. It seems that people who have forums get complaints on them, and then they lose their jobs. Dont tell anyone though, because I dont want them to get any ideas of giving me forums. I would not like to be smighted.

I am thankful for my regular status friends and Prostatus colleagues in the game. I am also even thankful for them when they talk funny, but they are from other parts of the world and can't help it. One day, if I win the lottery, I will buy them language classes so that they get the right annunciation of the english language. At that point, I am not sure that there would be anything remaining for which I am not thankful.

Some of my friends here may in fact be foul smelling. So, I am thankful that gaming is odorless.

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  • --FTW--MeanGuy 6 years ago
  • FTWMeanGuy 1 year ago

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[FTW] Platoon