

Score: 35,043,843

Kills: 28,015

Time: 1,036h

KDR 1.12

Skill 206

SPM 563

KPM 0.45

Cheat 0%


-> Listen, I'm tellin' you, it's my world, I does what I wish to <-

D O N T -- S T O P -- T H E -- M A D N E S S ! ! !

WHAT --- IS --- THAT --- USELESS --- PIECE --- OF --- FLESH --- ON --- THE END --- OF --- A ---- PENIS --- CALLED ??? -> A MAN !!! xD

H O O R A Y --- F O R --- B O O B I E S !!!

B A D --- G I R L S --- D O --- I T --- W E L L !! !! !!

G E T --- T H E --- F U C K --- O U T --- O F --- H E R E !!!

-> For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything. <- ;-)

True man wants two things, danger and play.

-> You there: fuck off.
And when u get there, fuck off from there too.
Then fuck off some more.
Keep fucking off until you get back here.
Then fuck off again. <-

.:My Pc Performance:.

-> Nvidia GTX 680 <-
-> i7 3.5 GhZ <-
-> 16GB RAM <-
-> 512 SSD Samsung Evo <-

♥♥♥ Shoot you on t

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