

Score: 55,546,400

Kills: 39,787

Time: 913h

KDR 0.95

Skill 173

SPM 1013

KPM 0.73

Cheat 24%


Kureha is a cheerful personality with a lot of energy and confidence in herself. She likes to take the lead when given the chance and is more of a solo type player, which is why she is known to jump from Squadron to Squadron. Zeliska refers to her as a carefree type as well.

In the real world, Kureha has a much more reserved personality, living under the shadow of her genius sister and trying her best not to disappoint anyone. While she claims she has the same personality in both the virtual and the real world, she actually feels a great burden on her shoulder in real life.

Kureha is a long time childhood friend of the Protagonist. She was devastated when her family had to move away due to her parents's job, as well as her sister's schooling, but never blamed her sister for it. She did her best to meet the expectations and not disappoint her sister.

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Previous Names

  • Million_Arthur96 6 years ago
  • MarvelousAQL 3 years ago
  • Kureha215 2 years ago
  • Kureha215 4 years ago

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