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Score: 47,764,312

Kills: 51,978

Time: 842h

KDR 1.78

Skill 346

SPM 944

KPM 1.03

Cheat 0%


Welcome to the profile of the guy that's probably made you come here because you're a low IQ cretin that I was talking shit to, and now you're checking everything out to see what upper edge you can pathetically attempt to get.

Maybe, just maybe if you used this thing called common sense and logic in your points? Maybe I wouldn't have gotten to live in your head rent free.

Also? Ah 2022 BF4 where you figured some people would have gotten good by now and NOT need (as one profile I've seen) 450,000 kills with the AEK and that's literally it aside from the G18.
2022 and people still subscribe to the idea that they can only win fights if they mag dump someone fast enough. Typical, meta using bottom feeders never change. Apparently I'm the only gamer with standards anymore.

Oh well, typical inferior players will stick to the meta "easy mode" guns and have the audacity to claim you're good when WE ALL KNOW what the meta is.
You're not good, you're using spray cannons.

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Previous Names

  • JMcIntosh1 6 years ago
  • BAVerify_1288 2 years ago
  • J-McIntosh 2 years ago
  • Virulent-Sage 2 years ago

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