Score: 12,308,014

Kills: 21,793

Time: 652h

KDR 0.94

Skill 130

SPM 325

KPM 0.57

Cheat 0%


"I like shooting, and I love hunting. But I never did enjoy killing anybody. It's my job. If I don't get those bastards, then they're gonna kill a lot of these kids we got dressed up like Marines. That's just the way I see it."
Carlos Norman Hathcock

lista dos maiores snipers da historia!
---------------------------------guerra-----------------------paĆ­s---------------------------------- ----------mortes

1-Simo Hayha--------------Winter War -----------------Finland--------------------------------------------542
2-Ivan Sidorenko----------------W.W. II-----------------U.S.S.R.--------------------------------------------500
3 Nikolay Yakovlevich Ilyin----------W.W. II---------U.S.S.R.----------------------------------------------494
4-Ivan Nikolayevich Kulbertinov---W.W. II-----------U.S.S.R.--------------------------------------487
5-V. N. Pchelintsev--------------------W.W. II------------U.S.S.R.--------------------456

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  • CAVEIRA_BRA 6 years ago

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