

Score: 35,333,772

Kills: 21,619

Time: 1,093h

KDR 0.46

Skill 176

SPM 520

KPM 0.28

Cheat 0%


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Circa 2005, I had spent 5 years as a Techno DJ. Played on Foxtel Channel [V]. A friend gave me my first PC & I learnt WaveLab to master my live mixes to CD for promotional purposes.

I was invited to a LAN party where I was introduced to Battlefield 2. After that, I played a lot of Gulf of Oman Australian Forces Mod. .... hooked ever since!

After 3 years, I have finally earned my 3 Star Lieutenant General ranking in Battlefield 2.

Always keen to squad up!!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

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  • aBoMberZ_qpL 6 years ago
  • aBomberNation 3 years ago

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[qpL] Platoon