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Score: 96,739,050

Kills: 140,932

Time: 2,062h

KDR 20.87

Skill 660

SPM 1591

KPM 1.85

Cheat 0%


A big thanks to my dude, TheCrazyFcuk for helping a dude out. ((( ty Bro, big love my friend ))).
And a big thanks to you Jakerivers and KingTanker for the help to (((Good friends))).

Love to all haters, stay SaLTy....

Common sense is not a gift, it is a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it.”...

"At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your work ethic, you will start being successful. As long as you blame others for the reason you aren't where you want to be, you will always be a failure."

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  • Draino9 6 years ago
  • HarvesTmachinE 6 years ago
  • DaBaBaDoook 6 years ago
  • _i_Boogeymen_i_ 6 years ago
  • _DaBaBaDoook_ 6 years ago

Player History

[NE] Platoon