

Score: 46,131,854

Kills: 78,746

Time: 789h

KDR 1.89

Skill 342

SPM 974

KPM 1.66

Cheat 0%


The Red Book
Every town has a used bookstore. The store is always small, dark and old. It has many damp rooms and shelves. Most of the books are as old as the store. Some are older.
And in one dark corner of the store, there is an even darker and older shelf. There are not many books on that shelf. Most of them are old children's books that were sold to the store a long time ago. Books like Robinson Crusoe, Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood, and Black Beauty. Children's books that were read by children who died a long time ago. Books that will probably never be read by anyone again.

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  • deeplyshocked 6 years ago

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