

Score: 25,755

Kills: 74

Time: 1h

KDR 3.36

Skill 188

SPM 444

KPM 1.28

Cheat 100%


mee frends platonn http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1857308978357522706/

Hay gays, its you favoritee speshul person hereee. iS ok tooo kall mee speshul, butt pwease dant kall mee teh R words.

Mee careegiver say it no nicee to kall R words.

Mee careegiver halp mee too writ dis becous soo nicee, buts sayy i has to finishh up becous she neeed too git notherr tisuue to wape mee droool. sooo bay gays!!!

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  • RussianPaIadin 7 years ago

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[PALS] Platoon